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bauhaua So here is Collier Campbell's 'Bauhaus' which my sister has both as curtains and as a chair, we now only have one piece left which for some reason is the car cushion, it's funny when an old car cushion suddenly becomes a designer classic. Years ago I bought a bit of Omega fabric from Anthony d'Offay, the one we have used for Katherine Mansfield's Journal; the fabric was already faded by the time it became a cushion for the children to punch, the dog to scratch at, and feet to rest on, and eventually it had to be thrown away. BUT it gave years and years of joy even in its faded form, so no regrets. Ditto with the car cushion. Which will stay there (although I would have lent it to the National Theatre. Item 53: cushion made of Bauhaus fabric date unknown but probably 1980s. Surprisingly unfaded. Not for sale. Or whatever).

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