0 Comments Monday, May 27, 2013 | by admin
Again from the Northumberland volume: Norman Stansfield Cornish b 1919 Self Portrait in Northumbria University Gallery. This would have been perfect for Little Boy Lost, except we love the picture we have so much. One effect of this PCF fortnight (do look at their website, it has just launched another exciting initiative) has been to make us want to publish more Classics; or at least to use these amazing paintings in one way or another. Of course we can put them on the front of the PB. But that is only twice a year and in any case this autumn we will have a black and white photograph of suffragettes (to accompany our suffragette novel). We'll definitely have more PCF paintings inside the PB. And perhaps we should do more cards. Or simply postcards. But really we are a book publisher! Well, it's a happy dilemma. And meanwhile we urge you to get some of the volumes, which are incredibly good value, or at least browse their website; and to go to the hundreds of provincial galleries of course. Persephone Books' next trip is to Penzance, to the Penlee House Gallery and Museum in a week's time, where we shall be on Saturday June 4th after giving a talk at the amazing Morrab Library; Penlee House is home to the Newylyn School paintings and in particular to Harold Harvey's, some of which have featured on the Post during the last two years – and may feature again the week after next!